Monday, July 25, 2016

Weekend Wrap-Up

We thought we might actually have a slow weekend for once so we could get some stuff done around our house but just like every other summer weekend, it filled up quickly.

Thursday night we spent watching the Republican National Convention.  I would not say that I am a republican but a conservative.  I want Luke to learn about our democratic process so we watched Trump's convention speech.  By the end of it he was all in for Team Trump.  He even made us signs to hold like the delegates.  haha

We will also watch the Democratic National Convention and listen to Hillary speak.  I want my children to have their own minds and make their own decisions.  I think it is important to talk with them and teach them the values we have and answer the tough questions.

Then Friday we had a Harry Potter marathon.  We watched the first movie about a year ago and they found the collection in the closet so they wanted to watch the next one.  This was Luke so focused that he couldn't eat his lunch.

We wended up watching movies 2, 3, and 4.  They really enjoyed them but Luke is so concerned for Harry.  We might have to wait a while to watch the next 4.  He wants to know if Harry defeats Lord Voldemort but he wants to know without watching so he can relax.  :)

Saturday morning was spent cleaning out our garage and reorganizing the game room.  Exciting right?  Then we got a call saying that Aunt Patti and Uncle Dale were in town for the weekend.  They would be cooking brisket at Uncle Doug's.  We headed over to swim and hang out with the family.

When we got there we discovered that Brett's cousins, Brandon and Blaine, were also here for Brandon's Bachelor weekend.  The boys decided to head to a bar to celebrate after dinner and I took the kids to see some fireworks at my parent's house.  Their community pool has a summer party every year with fireworks and we can stand at my parents house and watch.

We had to go back and get Brett and ended up being there until about 1:00 am.  Thankfully the kids had a place to play and are pretty easy going.  Lily was out within seconds of getting in the car but Luke stayed awake until we pulled into the driveway and pretended to be asleep.  (Before I get hate about him sleeping in the car like this, know that he was faking so someone would cary him inside)

Since we were up so late Saturday night, we slept in Sunday morning and then met my dad for lunch.

It was nice to be surprised with some family time on a weekend that we thought would be a little slow!

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