Sunday, July 17, 2016

Jost Van Dyke: Day 6

Today was our last day out on the boat.  We went out for one last SCUBA/snorkel trip in the morning.    Luke wanted to go but Lily didn't want to until we started to leave the dock and then she screamed for me not to leave.  Aunt Deana and Uncle David said they would stay with her while I went out with Luke.  Thankfully it wasn't long after Uncle David picked her up and they walked away that she calmed down and wanted to play and swim at the villa.  She loved having time with Aunt Deana and Uncle David.

The SCUBA divers

Luke and I had fun snorkeling for a while and then we got out to take some pics.  :)

Luke LOVES to take pictures too!

It was hard to take pictures though with the boat bumping up and down

When we got back, Uncle David was swinging Lily in the swing by the beach - love!  We picked up everyone and headed to Foxy's Taboo.

They were super excited when they found a pretty big hermit crab.

After lunch we walked from Foxy's to the Bubbly Pool.  It was another good hike which was one thing I really loved about the trip.  We did a lot of walking and exploring and the kids loved every bit of it!  They would have followed David anywhere!

We saw this sign as we got to the pool and got a little worried

We got there during low tide though so it wasn't filling like it normally does which we were thankful for because David said it can get dangerous during high tide.  The waves splash up the rocks and can knock you down.  The water wasn't very "bubbly" but we still had fun!

We left the Bubbly Pool and headed to Little Jost, a small island with a bar, to enjoy some relaxation.

This girl found her new best friend!  We found a sweet family from Texas, whose daughter went to Baylor (small world), who had this sweet little puppy and they let Lily play with him the whole time we were there.  She wants a puppy so bad!

And Uncle Trent found some sea urchins

We played around the beach and relaxed in the water for a couple of hours and then had to head back.  We were all super sad to have to say goodbye to David.  I can't say enough good things about him!  If you are ever on Jost Van Dyke and want to SCUBA or snorkel, you need to look him up at Jost Van Dyke Scuba!  He was absolutely AMAZING with the kids, told us so much information about everywhere he took us, and had great insight on places to go.  The kids loved him!  The minute we drove away, the kids started saying they missed him.

We quickly showered and got ready for dinner so we could run down to the beach and take a few family pictures.  We had taken so many in our swim suits but I had let the time slip away from me to take a good family pic.

Our last dinner was at a place called Sidney's Peace and Love.  The guys at the SCUBA place suggested it as a great "non touristy" place to have amazing lobster.  The 4 of us don't eat seafood but we had some great chicken!  It is in a little cove where you can eat by the water and it was peaceful, relaxing and delicious!

Not long after we got home, these 2 passed out!

We had an amazing week on Jost Van Dyke and already can't wait to go back!  Tomorrow we start our 2 day journey home!

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