Wednesday, July 27, 2016

All About Luke

Today is all about my sweet little man!

Luke was born January 31, 2008 and has always been my little snuggle bug.

He has always been very curious, has a fierce imagination, and LOVES to learn about science and math.  He could build with LEGOS all day!  He is also very sensitive and can be very shy but he loves to make people laugh, just don't put him on the stage.  He is fiercely loyal to his friends and although his sister drives him crazy a lot of the time, he would do anything to protect her.  His love language is quality time.

Here are a few things he is loving at age 8

He started skiing when he was 3 and has loved every minute of it.  He can now ski black diamonds and through the trees with his Daddy.  

We took our first big beach trip in June (you can look back on all the details of our trip) and Luke got to try SNUBA (SCUBA but the tank is floating above you on a raft instead of you carrying it and you only go about 20 feet down).  He is now looking forward to the day he can get SCUBA certified.  He really enjoyed snorkeling too.  He would dive down to look closer and even went through an underwater tunnel.

Learning to knee board
Poppa has a boat but with the lakes being low for several years, Luke is just now getting a chance to really learn.  He would spend every weekend out on the boat if he could.

Right now he is suggesting we sell our playscape in our backyard and build a pool.  haha - if only that would be enough sweet boy.  :)

Riding his Bike
He learned to ride his bike this past year and pretty much thinks he can now drive a car.  lol
We have been spending lots of time riding and are hoping to ride to school some this year.

This is something he has recently been very interested in learning more about.

He wants to be a scientist when he grows up and got to go to a fun camp that the gifted program in McKinney put on this summer.  Yes, he enjoyed learning about math and science over the summer break.  :)  He loves to read about space and science too.

I asked Luke a few of his favorites
(I stole these from my friend Shay over at

Favorite color: yellow

Favorite movie: Star Wars

Favorite food: chicken bowtie pasta

Favorite place to visit: Museums

Favorite activity: skiing

Favorite part of school: math

Favorite part of summer: having lots of time with family

Favorite thing about Lily: she's always happy and plays with me

Favorite thing about Mommy: snuggling together

Favorite thing about Daddy: he builds things with me

What's one word that describes you best: funny  :)

So that's a little about my sweet little man.  He has been such a blessing to our family and I love watching him grow and learn.  I can't wait to see how he grows in 3rd grade!

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