Friday, July 15, 2016

Jost Van Dyke: Day 4

We only spent half the day on the boat as we were all a little tired.  Grammy stayed behind to rest and we didn't want to leave her alone all day so we made a short trip out to Tortola to SCUBA and snorkel.  We took a few pics before heading out.

We snorkeled for about 20 mins at our first stop while the divers went down to explore.

A few tears were involved again -  being 5 is hard.  She didn't like her goggles but she also didn't like salt water in her eyes.  She was not a fan of either choice.

We bought a waterproof case for our camera when we went on our honeymoon 9 years ago.  Brett took these while SCUBA diving.

The cove we were in was supposedly used by Blackbeard to sneak up on passing ships.  He could hide and watch between a couple islands and then ambush them on the other side.

On the left side of the picture, you can see the little opening Blackbeard would watch through while hiding in the cove.

Both stops were in the same cove.  We let the SCUBA divers get ready and head out before we jumped in.  The kids didn't really want to get out at the second stop but I convinced them to go for just a little while.  After about 10 mins we saw 2 stingrays swim by and Luke swam above them for a while.  They loved it but were also ready for a break.

So they rested.  :)

When the divers got back, we headed back to Jost.

David came with us back to the villa to pick up Belinda and head over to the Soggy Dollar for lunch. There was a path along the beach from our villa so we decided to walk over.  It was a little rocky so we had to wear shoes but my kids love climbing around so I couldn't pass up the opportunity for an adventure.  :)

This girl joined in on a game of tiki toss.

Soggy Dollar has a webcam so I texted my mom to tell her we were there and to watch for us.  Then we stood around like crazy people trying to say hi to her back in Texas.  :)

The kids were dying to swim so we walked back to our villa and splashed around in the ocean for a while. It was nice to relax a little and not be on a time limit.

Lily wanted to dig a hole and we found some fun hermit crabs and rocks

This boy did some hard core chillin'

A selfie with my sweetie

We attempted a family photo with these goofs :)

Then it was upstairs for sandwiches with a view

They ended the day with an evening swim in the infinity pool

It was so nice to take it slow for a day and relax around our beautiful villa!

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