Thursday, July 14, 2016

Jost Van Dyke: Day 3

I woke up each morning around 6:00.  The sun was up and shining bright and I wanted to be able to do my quiet time and journal our days.  It was especially helpful this morning because I was so defeated from the day before and needed to be refreshed.  I am doing a Bible study called "He Speaks to Me" by Priscilla Shirer which encourages you to be still and listen to Him.  That wasn't hard to do with a beautiful view and listening to the ocean and birds.  One of the verses from today was Ephesians 4:26-27, "Don't let the sun go down on your anger, and don't give the devil an opportunity."  I went to bed hurt and angry from the day before but after reading that verse and doing my study, I felt refreshed and ready to start over and not let my sunburn or feeling left out get me down.  Lily joined me around 7 and nothing warms my heart more than my beautiful children.  Plus, how can you be sad looking out on God's beautiful creation!

Thankfully Aunt Deana had an extra swim shirt that I could borrow so I covered up and we headed out for a day together.  We took the boat to the Caves and the Indians off Norman Island.  Lily has not been a huge fan of her mask and snorkel.  I think she doesn't like not being able to breathe out of her nose with it being covered up and also having something in her mouth.  She is only 5 so I didn't want to push it too much.  Well, today she lost it a little bit.

When we got to the Caves, she jumped in without her mask on and then was upset that salt water got in he eyes so she threw a ridiculous fit in the water.  I tried to get her mask on but she was already upset and her eyes were burning so nothing I did made her mask feel good.  While I was trying to deal with Lily, Luke swam off with the others.  I like to know where my kids are, especially when it comes to being in the water, so it made me a little extra frustrated with Lily was throwing a fit.  Brett and David, our boat guide, suggested that I swim off to find Luke and they would deal with Lily.  It is really hard to swim off while your child is screaming for you but I needed to make sure someone had Luke.  David then suggest that Brett leave and he would sit with her on the boat.  By this point she was laying on the floor of the boat crying/screaming.  Once she realized that we both left, she quickly got up, let David help her with her life vest, and then he swam her out to Brett.  So many props to David for being so patient and willing to sit with our screaming child.

I had joined up with Luke and then Brett and Lily caught up with us and we had fun exploring the caves together.  Once we started talking about the fish we were seeing she wanted to try her goggles again so we helped her get them on.  She would pop her head under water to see and then pop back up to breathe.  I took that as a win and praised her for trying again.

After exploring for a while, we all got back on the boat and headed to Pirates Bight for lunch.

The view was amazingly beautiful!

Once again the kids got to explore, swim, and play a little while we waited for our food.  It was nice that I could sit in the shade and relax while I watched them explore.

From lunch, we headed to the Indians.  They are a set of islets that were named because from a distance they resembled an Native American's head dress.  You can swim all the way around them.  Here's Luke, ready to go with the Indians behind him.

The kids with Grammy and Poppa

Once again, while trying to get Lily situated, Luke swam off with other people.  I was thankful that everyone was being helpful but when you don't know where your child is in the water it can be a little terrifying.  There were a lot of waves around the Indians and the water was a little choppy and harder to swim.  There is a spot that kind of pools the water due to the formations and there is a tunnel under the water into it.  We met up with them right as Luke was following his Uncle Trent through the tunnel.  Everyone was a little surprised that he just dove under and followed his uncle through but this is exactly why you have to keep an eye on him constantly.  I was super proud of him for not being afraid and going for it but we had to have a little chat about making sure someone knows where he is at all times.  He ended up going through the tunnel 3 times and was so proud of himself.  We have video but I still haven't been able to get the GoPro from Poppa so I will post it as soon as I get it.  In the mean time, here is the best picture Brett got of him.

On our way back, we stopped for a few groceries and to get gas in the boat on Tortola.

This girl did some major grocery shopping and thought it was super fun that she got to just walk around in her swim suit.

She loved all the flowers we saw.  All the islands were so colorful and beautiful!

We made hot dogs for dinner and relaxed around the villa.  We did a little swimming, singing, and Lily had a dance party with Uncle David.

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