Monday, March 14, 2016

Spring Break Wrap-up

Last year we went skiing during Spring Break but it just made the break almost non existent between the travel and busy days skiing so we decided to stay home this year.  Unfortunately it rained all week.  :(  We tried to make the best of the bummer weather and do something special every day.

Monday: Day 1
We went grocery shopping, in the rain, and picked out some new fruit to try.  The kids chose kiwi and the they loved it!
Tuesday: Day 2
We found fun Avengers and Frozen waffle makers at Walmart for $4 so they got to make their own waffles.  They were so excited to get to scoop it by themselves and they loved their "special" waffles.

Wednesday: Day 3
I took the kids to see Zootopia.

They were taking a selfie with the cheetah.  :)

Thursday: Day 4
We woke up early and headed down to Seabrook to see our besties!  A trip to Seabrook is not complete without a stop at Buc-ees.

When we go through Houston, we always try to stop and see my friend Elizabeth.  I have known this amazing woman since 6th grade.  Luke drew a picture of us and Lily took the picture.  :)

Kitty and I have been friends since we pledged Kappa Delta in 2003.  We were in each others weddings and we were pregnant with both our kids together.  Here we are Halloween 2007, Kitty had Zachary about 2 weeks later and Luke was born 3 months later.

This was March 2011 when we were pregnant with Andrew and Lily.  They are only 3 weeks apart.

I hate that we live about 5 hours away from each other now.  These boys were so excited to be reunited!

And we were excited to have some girl time with Kitty.  Lily could not wait to introduce her to the new Cinderella!  We got snuggled up on the couch, while the boys played video games, for some girl time.

Friday morning Kitty and I had some good therapy/coffee time and then took the kids to NASA.

We asked them to give us their best astronaut pose.

I think Lily's favorite part of the trip was snuggling with Kitty's dogs.

We ate dinner on the water, one of the perks of living in Seabrook.

These boys have developed the best little friendship.  I can't believe they are 8 years old!  The trip was way too short but we have already planned a much longer summer trip.  :)

The sign of a good visit.  These boys were wiped out!

We headed home Saturday morning because Lily's best friend Emma's birthday party was Saturday afternoon.  They have the silliest little friendship.  I am so glad she has some great girlfriends!

So Spring Break started out slow but ended with a lot of crazy.  :)  Only 11 more weeks until summer break and we can't wait!

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