Monday, February 15, 2016

Weekend Wrap-up 

We started our Valentine's weekend Thursday with Lily's school party.  She was so excited to get to pass out Valentine's to all her little classmates. 

She dressed herself and had all the necessities: bow - check, fur vest - check, fur boots - check, sequin skirt - check, sassy pose - check.  Yep, that's my girl!  :)

Friday afternoon was Luke's class party.  I am the room mom for his class this year so I got to host the party.  At Luke's school, all the room representatives for each grade plan the parties together so all of 2nd grade did the same party.  The party is 45 mins so we needed a few activities.  We decided to give them time to pass out their Valentine's, eat their snack (provided by the school), give them a heart balloon (deflated) with a strip of paper that said "LOVE" on it for them to write a note to someone special to place inside, and then they divided up into teams of 2 to wrap each other in crepe paper streamers.  They LOVED it!  The person wrapping had 3 mins to use as much of the streamer as possible to cover as much of the other person as possible.  We chose a winner and then we switched and the other person got wrapped and chose another winner.  We had 2 streamers left so the 2 winning teams got to wrap the teacher.  There was a boy team and a girl team who won and man did they use different methods to wrap the teacher.  The girls were so sweet and gentle and the boys tried to cover her whole face.  haha!  I had to keep telling them that she needed space to breathe and to not wrap her neck tightly.  Boys!  I didn't get many photos because I was trying to supervise but the kids loved the party and the parents had a fun time watching.

Luke wrapping his partner.

The kids wrapping Mrs. Shinn.  She was a good sport even though they almost choked her when they tried to rip off the paper.

This goofy kid makes my heart so happy!  We snapped a quick photo after the party craziness slowed down and school was letting out.

Lily and I are both participating in Upward Cheerleading at our church.  I am coaching the 5th/6th grade team and she is on the Kinder-2nd grade team, they have 2 preschool girls this year (Lily is one).  My game was Friday night at 6:00 so I dropped the kids off at my mom's house and headed to get some Starbucks on my way to the church.  I am so thankful that she can watch them for me and that they love playing with her.

Lily loves coffee and steals mine all the time so I enjoyed getting this one all to myself!

Lily's game was at 10:00 Saturday morning.

Next year I am going to coach Lily's team and I can't wait!  She is already recruiting friends to join the team.  :)

We ate lunch with my parents and then spent a lot of the afternoon at Lowe's and Home Depot, I know super exciting day.  :)

I love to make holidays special for the kids so Saturday night I set out their little Valentine's Day gifts.  We don't do a lot but try to get them something special and of course everyone needs some chocolate.  :)  Major props to my hubby who came home Friday night with flowers and when I went to set out their Valentine's stuff he pulled out the cutest little itty bitty toys for the kids and cards for all of us.  I hate to put expectations on him for holidays but he did good this year.  We are very lucky to have him!

After church, we met Brett's family for a hibachi lunch and then worked around the house the rest of the afternoon.  My parents offered to watch the kids for us so we could go out for Valentine's Day so we packed them up and took them over to spend the night.  They are so good with the kids and play lots of games with them.

Brett and I went to see Zoolander 2 for our date and it did not disappoint.  It was hilarious in a completely ridiculous way!  :)

Love this guy so much!

It was a great weekend with lots of family time and a little bit of crazy!  :)

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