Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Disney: Day 7
Heading Home

Green and Gold

When we travel I always try to dress us in similar colors so everyone is easy to spot.

We slept in a little and then got some breakfast at the resort.  We still had 6 quick service meals and some snacks left so we used 2 meals and a couple of snacks for breakfast and shared.  You could get muffins or bagels as a snack.  We are not really big breakfast eaters so this was more than enough.  Then we headed back to shower and finish packing.  Our flight was not until 4:00 so we were in no rush.  The kids really loved our room and were super sad to leave.

The beds had fireworks and lights!  The maids would put all their toys on the bed each day - so cute!

The resort will hold your luggage for you so we dropped it off and went inside to get some lunch.  Since each meal comes with a dessert, we got some to go to enjoy on the plane because we kind of had a long trek back home.

I loved that there were Christmas trees everywhere.  My favorite time of the year!

We had some time at the airport before our flight so the kids looked around the gift shops.

Once we were on our flight, I asked them how they felt about leaving Disney and this is what I got.

They kept saying they wanted to stay at Disney World forever!  I am there with ya kids!  But once the plane took off they quickly passed out!  Haha!

We flew from Orlando to San Antonio and had a small 25 min layover without having to change planes.  There was another family with us and we all just stayed on the plane.  Funny enough, they live in McKinney too and had been on a Disney Cruise.  We were in the middle of the plane for the first flight but moved to the front so we could be the first ones off.  The pilots and flight attendants were incredibly nice and invited the kids to see the cockpit.

Great way to spend a little plane layover.  :)

My parents were picking us up from the airport.  The kids hailing Nana and Pa like a cab.  :)

We made it home with a few snacks and the kids loved that they got to enjoy them the next few days and pretend they were still at Disney World.

The whole trip was absolutely magical!  I love that we got 7 days just the 4 of us making amazing memories!  We are going to make it a priority to take a vacation as a family once a year!

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